Monet ovat kokeilleet valokuvien editoimista kännykällä tai tietokoneella. Mutta tämäkin on taitolaji ja kaikki eivät ole siinä yhtä taitavia kuin alan taituri venäläinen Max Asabin.

Asabin yhdistelee ihmisistä otettuja kuvia uusiin taustoihin hämmästyttävän taitavasti luoden illuusion siitä, että kuvan henkilöt todella poseeraavat näiden näyttävien taustojen edessä. Kuulostaa yksinkertaiselta ja helpolta mutta tämänkin homman voi viedä sellaiselle tasolle, että kuvat ovat jotain ainutlaatuista.

Hänellä on DevianArtissa yli 35 tuhatta seuraajaa. Lisää tietoa Max Asabinista -> DevianArt VK Twitter Instagram Youtube Tumblr

Photo Manipulation By Asabin Art

Photo Manipulation By Asabin Art

Photo Manipulation By Asabin Art

Photo Manipulation By Asabin Art

Photo Manipulation By Asabin Art

Photo Manipulation By Asabin Art

Photo Manipulation By Asabin Art

Photo Manipulation By Asabin Art

Photo Manipulation By Asabin Art









Almost everyone with a smartphone or a computer has experimented with photo editing at some point, but this retouching master’s work is above and beyond any Instagram filter.

Max Asabin, a digital artist from Russia, layers multiple images on top of each other, and seamlessly melds them together to create one incredible visual. He does this by trimming the edges of each foreground photo, adding shadows and highlights, and adjusting the overall colour to make it look extra realistic. With this technique, he can easily transport anyone into one of his breathtaking scenes. ”Digital Art is, for several years now, my main job.” Max told Bored Panda, though he has only ever worked freelance. He’s been working with Adobe Photoshop CS6 since 2007, and is entirely self-taught.

Max has gained over 35 thousand followers on DeviantArt, where he frequently uploads his work, since his latest piece – Sleepless – was posted on the website’s main Facebook page. ”Most of them left positive feedback, but there was also critique, both constructive and negative.” He told us. ”But in any case, I am extremely pleased with such attention!” Max is available for commissioned work, so drop him a line if your old family photos need a supernatural twist.

More info: DeviantArt, VK, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Tumblr