Kuvittele itsesi pimeälle kujalle yksin ja takaasi kuuluu askelia. Käännyt ja takanasi seisoo yksi näistä tyypeistä! Ei tule varmaan kenellekkään yllätyksenä, että nämä kuvat ovat poliisin ottamia pidätyskuvia, sen verran pelottavan näköisiä kavereita.

Näissä pidätyskuvissa on jotain todella pelottavaa. Nämä tyypit ovat kaikki todellisia pidätettyjä rikollisia ja sen kyllä näkee naamasta. Ei ole tiedossa mihin rikoksiin he ovat syyllistyneet mutta vaikka eivät olisikaan syyllistyneet muuhun kuin punaisia päin kävelemiseen heidän olemuksensa herättää kyllä jonkin asteista kauhua.

Ihmistä ei tietenkään pidä tuomita ulkonäön perusteella. Voivathan nämäkin ihmiset olla todella mukavia ja sympaattisia henkilöitä.

Why Is It Not Surprising That These Bizarre Photos Are Actually Mugshots…

Why Is It Not Surprising That These Bizarre Photos Are Actually Mugshots…

Why Is It Not Surprising That These Bizarre Photos Are Actually Mugshots…

Why Is It Not Surprising That These Bizarre Photos Are Actually Mugshots…

Why Is It Not Surprising That These Bizarre Photos Are Actually Mugshots…

Why Is It Not Surprising That These Bizarre Photos Are Actually Mugshots…

Why Is It Not Surprising That These Bizarre Photos Are Actually Mugshots…

Why Is It Not Surprising That These Bizarre Photos Are Actually Mugshots…


Why Is It Not Surprising That These Bizarre Photos Are Actually Mugshots…

Why Is It Not Surprising That These Bizarre Photos Are Actually Mugshots…

Why Is It Not Surprising That These Bizarre Photos Are Actually Mugshots…

Why Is It Not Surprising That These Bizarre Photos Are Actually Mugshots…

Why Is It Not Surprising That These Bizarre Photos Are Actually Mugshots…

Why Is It Not Surprising That These Bizarre Photos Are Actually Mugshots…

Why Is It Not Surprising That These Bizarre Photos Are Actually Mugshots…

Why Is It Not Surprising That These Bizarre Photos Are Actually Mugshots…

Why Is It Not Surprising That These Bizarre Photos Are Actually Mugshots…

Why Is It Not Surprising That These Bizarre Photos Are Actually Mugshots…

Why Is It Not Surprising That These Bizarre Photos Are Actually Mugshots…

Why Is It Not Surprising That These Bizarre Photos Are Actually Mugshots…

Why Is It Not Surprising That These Bizarre Photos Are Actually Mugshots…

Why Is It Not Surprising That These Bizarre Photos Are Actually Mugshots…

Why Is It Not Surprising That These Bizarre Photos Are Actually Mugshots…

Why Is It Not Surprising That These Bizarre Photos Are Actually Mugshots…

Lähde: izismile.com